Wednesday, September 22, 2010

With my head held high.

I know no matter what, I’ll be perceived as the cruel bitch who decided to let go of something others may never find in their entire lifetime in pursuit of more selfish needs.

We’ve walked an amazing journey together and it has made us both who we are today. I will not for one second trade the moments I’ve had with you for anything in the world, because I know I may never ever find them again. I know there is a lot of growing up for me to do and I know I will continue falling and hurting myself in the process. I took a huge risk when I let go of the love of my life, but I will walk this lonely journey ahead with my head held high.

Thank you, for giving me the best years of my life. I know somewhere in my heart, there will always be a place that has your name engraved on it.

- Quoted from Sweatlee.

This is how i really feel right now. It's hard, but i will keep on going. I will get through.